Braver Angels: Community Conversation

Community Conversation:

Should the government provide shelter/housing to everyone who needs it?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

6:30 PM - 8 PM

Laramie County Library Cottonwood Room

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Join Braver Angels at the Laramie County Library for a community conversation that explores if the government should provide shelter/housing to everyone who needs it.


Whether you're a seasoned debater or new to public forums, all levels of engagement are welcomed. Attendees have the opportunity to kick off the discussion with a brief 4-minute speech, share their perspective in shorter formats, pose questions to fellow speakers, or simply observe and listen. The Braver Angels debate structure fosters an environment where people think together, listen to one another, and are open to being changed by ideas. Every voice contributes to meaningful dialogue and potential solutions.


Everyone who registers and attends the event will be entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card. Please register below:



Please return to this page to register before June 18.


This Braver Angels event is sponsored by Wyoming Humanities and is brought to you by a collaboration of civic-minded organizations including the Cheyenne League of Women Voters, Better Together, Compassionate Cheyenne, and the Wyoming State Museum.




Americans on opposite sides of the political spectrum don't only disagree on issues — they increasingly dislike one another.


This growing partisan animosity is the crisis of our time and threatens our nation.


Braver Angers exists to address this challenge. 





You probably haven’t experienced anything like a Braver Angels Debate. This is a highly structured conversation in which a group of people think together, listen carefully to one another, and allow themselves to be touched and perhaps changed by each other’s ideas. When done well, everyone walks out a little closer to the truth, more aware of the validity in opposing views, and with tighter community relationships.


The Braver Angels Way:


We state our views freely and fully, without fear.


We treat people who disagree with us with honesty, dignity and respect.


We welcome opportunities to engage those with whom we disagree.


We believe all of us have blind spots and none of us are not worth talking to.


We seek to disagree accurately, avoiding exaggeration and stereotypes.


We look for common ground where it exists and, if possible, find ways to work together.


We believe that, in disagreements, both sides share and learn.


In Braver Angels, neither side is teaching the other or giving feedback on how to think or say things differently.